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Monday, February 17, 2020

Why new cars are better then old cars Research Paper

Why new cars are better then old cars - Research Paper Example This is because of the fact that new cars are far better and cheaper than the old cars. Indian car manufacturer, TATA group recently world’s cheapest passenger car NANO, priced only $ 2000. Even though, prices are coming down, the quality and reliability, safety features, performances, fuel efficiency, comfort levels etc of the current cars are far superior to that of the old cars. This paper briefly analyzes why new cars are better than the old cars. â€Å"Anybody with a car older than three years should be tucking aside $50 a month for repairs and maintenance† (Toups). Old cars cause many problems to the drivers on the road. Occasional engine failures, battery failures, clutch problems, break problems, accelerator problems etc are some of them. The old car owner may force to spend a substantial amount of money for as the repairing cost. On the other hand new cars cause little problems to the driver. The performances of new cars are far better than the old cars. New ca rs were given lot of importance not only to the performance, but also for the safety of the passengers. For example, airbags are one of the safety measures introduced in new cars. Airbags help the passengers to save their life when the car accidents occur. Older cars had no such facility to protect the passenger lives. Airbags will be inflated at the time of accidents and it will shield the passengers from big collisions which can cause severe injuries. Apart from the driver and the front seat passenger, current cars have airbags even for the back seat passengers. The number of air bags has been increased from one to more than 10 at present for some of the advanced cars. Moreover, it is easy for the driver to apply brake smoothly and effectively on new cars compared to the older cars because of the advancements in the braking technologies developed by car manufacturers. â€Å"Today’s automobiles are sophisticated electronically controlled machines† (Erjavec,p.3). Elect ronics has given immense contributions to human life and automobile sector is one area in which electronics brought tremendous changes. Most of the older cars were operated manually by the driver. For example, for raising or lowering the window glasses, the driver forced to put lot of manual efforts in old cars. On the other hand, pressing a switch will help the driver to raise or lower the window glasses in new cars. The fuel tank, dickey etc can also be opened with the help of some switches in the new cars. Global positioning system is another electronically controlled modification in new cars. It helps the drivers to identify routes and locate the places. The computers inside the current cars are even capable of taking the control of the vehicle if the driver accidently sleeps while driving. Moreover, the current car equipments can even measure the alcohol levels in the body of the driver and advice the driver whether to proceed with the driving or not. Such facilities were not t here in the older cars. In short, the reliability of the current cars is far more superior to the older cars. Current cars are more fuel efficient than the older cars. The technology has improved a lot so that some of the current cars give even more than 25miles per gallon (Mpg) of petrol. Most of the older cars were delivering fuel efficiency less than 10 Mpg. Petrol or diesel is necessary for driving a car. However, the availability of petrol or diesel is getting decreased day by day because of the increased usages. Americans faced the effects of oil crisis in the seventies. The energy crisis of the seventies started in October 1973 when OPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) and some other Arab countries declared an oil embargo upon United States in

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